Dearest Light Traveler,
We are so delighted you’re joining us on this ultimate journey lighten your life and activate your radiance. We are looking forward to a powerful and life-changing 28-days together.
If you’ve ended up on this page, you are officially registered. Yippee!!!
PLEASE NOTE: You are registered using the address you use for PayPal. If you would like to receive the program at a different e-mail address, you MUST let Meadow know.
Please join our private Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/804476170303117/
If you have any questions, please contact Meadow at meadow@meadowlinn.com or call 1-415-88-SAVOR (1-415-887-2867).
Denise and Meadow
A note from Denise and Meadow: We ask for your patience in advance. We don’t have staff. (We are a very small team of two – mother and daughter. Meadow is a single mom with a toddler and, because of COVID, has no one to safely babysit. So she will be watching little James while supporting you during the program. If you’ve had a toddler, you know how challenging this can be at times.) We will do our best to get back to you and to support you on this amazing journey, but please be patient with us. We might have some misspellings, despite our best efforts. (Denise is dyslexic so spelling is a challenge for her.) We are not experts at technology. Please be patience with us. We will e-mail you the program every day. We will be with you every day in our Facebook Group. However, the ONLY place to receive the live videos is on Facebook.
Even though we are a team of two and might not do everything as perfectly as we would like, we will move heaven and earth to create an experience for you that is profoundly meaningful and that can potentially transform your life and the lives of others.