
Upcoming Events with Denise & Meadow

Soul Coaching®: 8-Month Online Practitioner Training 2025

Begins April 5, 2025 and completes November 21, 2025

Would you like to make a difference in the lives of others?
Have you been asking yourself, “What’s next in my life?” or “Who am I?” or “How can I make a difference?”
Are you looking to make a career change? Have you always enjoyed helping others find their own answers?

If you answered “yes,” then the Soul Coaching® Practitioner Certification Training is for you!

LuAnn Cibik and Meadow Linn are teaming up to offer this rare opportunity to do the Soul Coaching® training online. Join us for this in-depth 8-month training to become a certified Soul Coaching® practitioner that also promises to be life-changing.

Previous Events

Sacred Journey

January 1 – 28, 2025

A 28-Day Mystical Shamanic Journey for Inner and Outer Clutter Clearing.

Join Denise Linn as she gently guides you into the deepest recesses of your soul. Plant seeds for the powerful and magnified energy of 2025.

Detox & Reset: 10-Day Online Total Life Reset 2024

Are you ready to jumpstart 2024 in a state of joy and vitality? I’d love to have you join me for DETOX & RESET. This is a 10-Day program to detox your physical body and reset your mind, body, and spirit as you start the New Year. I’ve found that it’s much easier to be successful when doing this with others. The community can hold you accountable, hold your hand, and support you. I believe it’s important to celebrate every success, and it’s helpful to have others cheering you on as you make big shifts to your health and wellness. This is a total life reset.

The Big Picture: Keep Your Vibration High in This Fast-Paced World

Workshop led by Denise Linn

It’s not always easy to keep one’s energy field vibrant and clear amidst the fast-pace of modern life. It can be a challenge to continue to be joyous and grounded when there are so many people who aren’t feeling that way. Even though it can be hard not to be affected by the collective unconsciousness, there are some fun and easy things you can do to step into a different frequency to activate your joy and your intuition. By making a few simple changes and doing the processes in this workshop, you’ll ignite your radiant joy and light . . . and make powerful shifts in all areas of your life. In this transformational weekend, you’ll travel on inner journeys that will powerfully allow you to drop old blockages and barriers to your joy, as well as support you in maintaining vibrancy for the times ahead. It’s exciting and easy… and joyous!

Click for more information.

Activate the Writer Within: Crafting Your Personal Story…Crafting Your Life

Workshop led by Denise and Meadow Linn

Do you have a deep dream of becoming a writer? One of the most powerful things that someone can do is to write their personal story.  Not only is it valuable to scribe your legacy but from a spiritual perspective, it is the perhaps the most powerful thing you can do. This process allows for your soul to speak directly to you. It allows you to understand yourself on a very deep level. It can transform your entire life. In a series of powerful inner journeys and writing exercises, you’ll find the authenticity of your soul rising and truly discover the writer within. Of course, you may want to publish your story….So, we’ll be sharing heaps of writing and publishing tips too!

Click for more information.

Unleash Your Creativity: Writing & Photography Workshop

Spend an unforgettable weekend unleashing creativity. Join Meadow Linn, co-author of The Mystic Cookbook and Quest, in this beautiful city to unleash your creative genius. Whether you’re a published author, a frequent journal writer, or someone who only picks up a pen to write thank-you cards, this workshop is for you. Learn foolproof strategies to captivate your audience with your first sentence and how to wow with your gorgeous pictures. Go on a photography scavenger hunt and not only learn tricks to take better photos, but also learn about yourself in the process.

Click for more information.

Total Life Reset with Denise and Meadow Linn

Where do you want to be in in one year? Where do want to be in ten years? At least once in life it’s a valuable pursuit to take stock of life (and take stock of your health) and clear out anything that doesn’t empower you … to step into a new and bright cycle in life. Are you ready to completely assess your life and your health and then take steps for the future you desire? I’m ready. I’m ready for a reset in my life . . . and for the month of September my mom and I are going to be working on our own intensive reset and would love to mentor a few people who would like to do the same.

Click here for more information

Letting Go: Lightening Up

In the LIGHTENING UP 28-day Program, you will have an opportunity to spend time tuning into each part of your body. You will go deep into the consciousness of each gland, organ, limb, and vessel to activate and initiate its Light. For example, on Day 2, you will enter into the consciousness of your feet, clearing energy blockages, listening to the messages from each of your feet (you might be surprised what they want you to know), and energetically flooding each foot with life-force energy and Light.

Click for more information.

Be Free: The Ultimate Journey to Let Go of Physical, Emotional, & Mental Clutter

In the BE FREE 28-day Program, you will have an opportunity to spend time tuning into each part of your body. You will go deep into the consciousness of each gland, organ, limb, and vessel to activate and initiate its Light and clear out any “clutter.” Additionally, in this program you will experience and discover the true magic of clutter clearing in your home. It is modern day alchemy; it transforms your life in miraculous ways! Identify what is cluttering your life and begin the remarkable journey to release it and lighten up your life.

Click here for more information

Tracking the Unseen

A 28-Day Mystical Shamanic Journey into Your Native Spirit

Join Denise Linn as she gently guides you into the deepest recesses of your soul. Learn native wisdom and embark on shamanic practices. Gain knowledge from native cultures around the world. At the culmination of this program, you will have the opportunity to embark on a personal Quest, which may be the single most significant thing you do in your life. With daily exercises, profound guided meditations, webinars, shamanic clearing processes, and on-going support from a like-minded community, join Denise and Meadow Linn for a mystical quest into your Native Spirit.

Click for more information.

The Time Travelers Guide to the Universe

Join us for an incredible journey that will take you to the far reaches of the Universe, as well as the far reaches of your soul. With daily exercises, profound guided meditations, and on-going support from a like-minded community, join Denise Linn with her brother Dr. Brand Fortner, astrophysicist and professor, and Meadow Linn for a mystical quest into inner and outer space. From physics to metaphysics…From the mystical realm to the physical realm…Travel through time and space to discover the mysteries of the universe and unearth the latent mysteries within you.

Click here for more information

PAST LIVES & BEYOND: Tracking the Unseen

Workshop with Denise Linn

No matter what your past has been, you can create your life anew . . . bright, shimmering and glorious! However, sometimes there are inner barriers that limit your ability to step into your soul’s potential. Some of these obstacles come from mistaken ideas about who you are and what you deserve in life. (And often these beliefs originated in a past life.) Discover who you were in a past life.

Click for more information.

Wild & Free: Letting Go of Weight and Limitations…Stepping into Joy.

If you are ready for a new cycle in life, consider joining Denise Linn (and her daughter, Meadow) for this powerful program to lighten up, drop some weight, and step into joy! When a small group of women gather together with singular focus, strong intent, and indomitable resolve . . . magic abounds. For this reason, Denise and Meadow are putting together this small tribe of powerful women to support and empower each other as they take steps forward toward their new life.

Click here for more information