Unleash Your Creative Genius

Writing and Photography Workshop


  • Do you have a message that you’ve been yearning to share with the world?
  • Do you have access to your creative genius?
  • Do you want to spend more time exploring your inner and outer world?
  • Do you wish your snapshots had more pizazz?
  • Do you want to learn how to make the photos you already have less drab and more fab?
  • Do you want to start a blog that people will actually read?
  • Do you want to get published?
  • Do you enjoy visiting beautiful, historic cities?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it’s time to unleash your creative genius!

Join Meadow Linn, co-author of The Mystic Cookbook and Quest, to unleash your creative genius. Whether you’re a published author, a frequent journal writer, or someone who only picks up a pen to write thank-you cards, this workshop is for you. With carefully-crafted activities that are fun and sometimes outrageous, you’ll ignite your inner muse to unleash a wellspring of creativity. From wandering through a chapel with a divinely created staircase to viewing the bright ristras made from red chiles, at every corner you’ll find inspiration for your photography and your writing. In a safe, loving, and supportive environment, you’ll be encouraged to share your words and your photos. You’ll learn foolproof strategies to captivate your audience with your first sentence and how to wow with your gorgeous pictures.

In addition to honing your writing, you’ll view the world in new ways through the lens of your camera (point-and-shoot, dslr, or iPhone). No experience necessary. Only through seeing in new ways, will you expand your world. You’ll learn how to not only see things differently, but also how to experience your surroundings from multiple perspectives. Taking photographs informs your writing. And, writing informs your photography. In this workshop you’ll learn the rules of photography and you’ll learn when and how to break them. In addition to learning how to compose a photograph and how to get the most out of your device, you’ll also learn which photo-editing apps are best and how to use them to make incredible images.

At the completion of this weekend retreat, you’ll have a body of work you can use to start a blog, write a magazine article, or use as the basis for your next book or presentation. And, you’ll go home with strategies for using social media to share your work.

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Unleash Your Creative Genius was so fun and educational! Meadow is an excellent teacher, who makes things easy to understand and truly helps to unleash the creative genie that resides in all of us. I had so much fun during the workshop, meeting wonderful people,
and learning new skills in photography and creative writing. I am able to use what I have learned in business, and in my personal life. What a gift….to unleash my creative genie!!
Marian Musgrove

Registered Nurse

I’ve been to dozens of writing workshops over the years. Hands down the best was with Meadow. She introduced tools & prompts that have transformed my relationship with my writing and made the process more enjoyable and exciting. I highly recommend this workshop. It’s worth traveling to attend. Additionally, I haven’t had so much fun taking pictures or editing in forever. Thanks for helping reignite this love of mine.
Genia Collins

Graphic Designer

What is creative genius? Watch this TED Talk by Elizabeth Gilbert to find out.

This workshop really moved things creatively for me. I’ve started working on my next book with a completely different feeling. My “Genie” has been full of ideas and feeling very inspired.

Amber Salisbury

CEO, Love International

I really can’t explain in words how much this weekend meant to me. Especially spiritually! I felt like I was in a cave and now I’ve moved out into the sunshine. It is amazing at how much I’ve accomplished since I got back. I feel like the inspirational floodgates are wide open!! Your workshop was the key!
Kimberly Byerly

Culinary Coordinator, Olive Garden

More about the Class

About Meadow, the workshop leader: In addition to co-authoring two of her own Hay House books (translated into five languages), Meadow has edited 15 non-fiction books for major publishing houses. Meadow shot many of the photographs in The Mystic Cookbook. She is a regular contributor to HealYourLife.com, Australia’s Nature & Health Magazine, and InSpirit Magazine. Meadow’s food/photography blog and bi-monthly column in a Seattle newspaper are hugely popular. As a former schoolteacher, Meadow has taught writing to hundreds of students. She passionately loves grammar and finds playing with sentence structure to be ridiculously fun. Meadow’s photographs have won awards at both the state and national level. In college Meadow was a staff photographer for the school newspaper and for Sports Information (a type of associated press).

What’s Included:

  • Evening session Friday and all-day sessions Saturday and Sunday
  • Course materials
  • Water and snacks
  • Walking adventures and scavenger hunt in historic downtown Santa Fe
  • A private Facebook group
  • Fun, joy, and inspiration
  • I’m delighted to help you find lodging, recommend restaurants, or suggest sightseeing if you decide to spend a couple extra days.

What to Bring:

  • Camera or smartphone (helpful if you can connect your camera to your computer for photo editing)
  • A means for accessing the Internet
  • Comfortable clothes and walking shoes
  • Willingness to have fun, experiment, and participate
  • Sense of humor


I want to ignite my inner muse!

During this weekend retreat, do all of the following, and much, much more:

  • Go on a guided meditation to meet your muse
  • Banish your inner critic
  • Invite creativity into your life
  • Learn how to write a kickass opening sentence
  • Learn how to write an effective how-to/self-help/personal development article
  • Learn tips for marketing and promoting your work
  • Find out which photo-editing apps are worth your time and money
  • Learn how to take your snapshots from drab to fab
  • Discover how to compose beautiful photos that will wow your friends
  • View the world in new ways
  • Go on a photography scavenger hunt
  • Spend quiet time writing
  • Share your work in a supportive, loving group
  • Gain tools to create a blog/magazine article that people will read and enjoy
  • Learn how to write from your heart

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