The Mystic Cookbook

When we think of the color green, nature may first come to mind. We look forward to the first soft green that confirms that spring is on its way. By appreciating the lush greens around us, we honor the abundance of the Earth.
In The Mystic Cookbook, Denise and Meadow Linn say that green foods can stimulate feelings of love, balance, harmony, peace hope, growth, and healing. “The color green reminds us that there will always be enough. It’s both restful and energizing.” What a wonderful description!
Green foods are a big part of my daily diet, so they are very prominent in my garden: zucchini, Swiss chard, cucumbers, lettuce and kale. I love fresh greens that I can add to my meals or mix in my blended shakes. Read more
Meadow’s recipes are sure to delight the taste buds, as she weaves the deep wisdom and truth of our mystical relationship between our food and our selves.
“I am passionate about food . . . from the taste, texture, color, preparation, culture, sustainability, tradition, and way it’s served— mmmmmmm—it’s one of the ways I celebrate life! Appreciating the subtle and yet extreme relationship between the food we eat and the health of our bodies is crucial to living a consciouslife. The Mystic Cookbook by Denise and Meadow Linn not only acknowledges this vital connection, but also it paves the way for experiencing food and cooking like you’ve never experienced before. This is more than a delicious book, it’s a way to deeply love yourself!”

“Thank you, Denise and Meadow, for this treasure of a book. We can connect with nature, spirit and family through the food and the ritual behind the food we eat daily. Read The Mystic Cookbook and see how you can transform your life through the simple act of cooking and eating!”
“The Mystic Cookbook is a delicious, brilliant and captivating book that elevates preparing and eating food to the realm of the magical, mystical and sacred. “This book provides a path to utilizing food to activate spiritual and metaphysical abilities. It has forever changed the way I view, cook and ingest food.” –Arielle Ford, Author of Wabi Sabi Love: The Ancient Art of Finding Perfect Love in Imperfect Relationships
“Oh what a delight of a book. Combining beauty, flavor, and spirit into a daily sacrament called cooking and eating. Now THAT is what I call holy.”
“This is a charming cookbook, written from a quirky and original point of view. Mothers and daughters should love it but, more importantly, it taps into something I have always believed, that cooking is the only remaining socially acceptable form of alchemy. I wish Denise and Meadow every success.”
“Powerful! Insightful! Delicious! In a style that is both delightful and enlightening, Denise Linn and Meadow Linn give us the much needed missing link between our consciousness and the food we eat every day. From our past lives and subconscious beliefs to our personal power and spiritual growth, The Mystic Cookbook delves into the incredible energetic and spiritual miracles that come from conscious self-sustenance. This is the ultimate guide to nourishing yourself and the planet in every way—mind, body, and soul. The remarkable insights and exercises—as well as the glorious, mouth-watering recipes—will not only transform your relationship with food and eating, but will also be sure to warm your soul, raise your vibration, and bring about delightful miracles in all areas of your life.”
“As a working chef, I have always known instinctively that caring about food matters enormously. Where it comes from, who grew it, how it is handled in the kitchen and the cook’s focus and intent make a huge difference. I know for a fact that a happy cook makes wonderful food. The Mystic Cookbook takes the idea that you actually are all of what you eat, and runs with it. It will challenge you to examine your beliefs about what food truly is and its potential to transform us, even as we transform it. As a bonus, the Linns have created a solid cookbook packed with deliciously eclectic feasts, practical advice, passion and creativity. It is a fascinating and inspiring read—alive with the sheer joy of cooking with blessings and love.”