The Ultimate Journey
to Lighten Your Life & Activate Your Radiance

A four-week program offering an in-depth clearing and cleansing,
dedicated to activating your Light Body, healing your physical body, and lightening your life.
If not now, when?

Is this time period in history a divine tap on the shoulder or simply a disaster? If it feels like a divine tap, then
you are answering the call . . .

My Dearest Fellow Light Travelers,
The greater the darkness, the greater the light . . . and the light is brightest when the night is darkest. Right now, amidst the darkness that so many are experiencing, your light is needed! The energy on our planet needs your light. We need Light Travelers to become shining beacons for others.
To shine with a radiance that illuminates your life (and the lives of others), it’s important to lighten your load, clear clutter from the energy field of your body (as well as your home) and activate your light body.
We come from light and to light we go. But, on the journey of life, we can become clogged with too much stuff (clutter) and with old beliefs that glom onto the energy fields of our body and create tiredness, ill health, and/or extra weight. There can be so much static energy in your auric field that it can be hard to hear clear messages from the soul and from your angels, guides, and spirit guardians. However, this new program that I have created, especially for this time in our history, will guide you in lightening your life and activating your radiance.
In the LIGHTENING UP 28-day Program, you will have an opportunity to spend time tuning into each part of your body. You will go deep into the consciousness of each gland, organ, limb, and vessel to activate and initiate its Light. For example, on Day 2, you will enter into the consciousness of your feet, clearing energy blockages, listening to the messages from each of your feet (you might be surprised what they want you to know), and energetically flooding each foot with life-force energy and Light.

This is a healing journey!
Your life will not be the same, in seeming miraculous and wondrous ways.

Additionally, in this program you will experience and discover the true magic of clutter clearing. Clutter clearing is modern day alchemy; it transforms your life in miraculous ways! Identify what is cluttering your life and begin the remarkable journey to release it and lighten up your life.
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At the same time as we are journeying deep into the consciousness of the body to clear blockages and clutter clearing our homes and our lives…we will be embarking on profound sacred inner journeys.

Here are just a few of those journeys:
- Travel back in time to hear the voices of your ancestors (and clear the bloodline).
- Take healing inner journeys into your cells and DNA. Discover the majesty that exists there and learn how it can help activate vitality.
- Embark on past life journeys to clear blockages from your previous incarnations.
- Experience a past life regression to activate talents and abilities from your far past.
- Travel on shamanic journeys – allow the sound of the drum to take you into ancient realms.
- Take meditative spiritual treks into the mystical forest that exists on the inner planes. What magic awaits you there!
- Connect with your Spirit Guides and listen while they instruct you on how to become even lighter.
- Activate your immune system even more.
- Embark on shape-shifting processes.
During the 28-Day Program, You will receive DAILY GUIDANCE that includes:
LIVE WEBINARS: Every day you will have an opportunity to watch a LIVE webinar on Facebook with Denise, Meadow, or another incredible presenter.
LIGHT-BODY INITIATIONS: Every day you will be given an assignment regarding a different part of your body. You will be going in-depth into the consciousness of that area of your physical being, to clear energy blockages, understand the meaning of that body part, hear the messages therein, and infuse and initiate light. You will be amazed at what a difference this can make in your life.
CLUTTER CHALLENGES: Clutter clearing is modern day alchemy; it can transform your life in miraculous ways! Identity what is cluttering your life – it might surprise you – and begin the remarkable journey to release it. Every day you will get an assignment for clutter clearing, including guidance on what the meaning is for the specific area you will be working on. By following practical, carefully-crafted daily steps, you’ll uncover your authentic self and become lighter in the process.
AUDIO MEDITATIONS: Imagine being able to set the tone for your day as you are guided through a gentle loving meditation process and reprogram any old, negative beliefs and activate even more light into your life and your body.
PAST LIFE REGRESSIONS: Sometimes past lives have a way of holding us back in the present time and place. You will explore and release limitations from your far past.
AFFIRMATION OF THE DAY: Shift your neural pathways and reprogram your brain with life affirming affirmations to uplift and support what you are ready to create in your life.
ORACLE CARD FOR THE DAY: Discover the energy for the day and your daily message from Spirit.
SONG FOR THE DAY: Music can transform our energy and raise our vibration. Shake your body, and allow the rhythm of the music to surge through you as your energy rises higher and higher!
I’m Ready to Activate My Radiance!
PLUS. . . Live Webinars!!!
It takes a VILLAGE! You will be a part of a supportive, loving community with other attendees in a private “Lightening Up” Facebook Group.
And there’s more … Denise will do a LIVE conversation every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday. You will have a chance to connect with Denise, ask questions and share any challenges and successes during the Facebook Lives. Meadow, a highly regarded life coach and author, will be giving Facebook Live presentations on Mondays. Additionally there will be amazing guest speakers on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. Every day, for 28 days there will be a live presentation on Facebook Live. (If you can’t watch it live, it will be available for replay in the Facebook group.)
This is a serious time in our history, but if you have the courage to lighten up…smile more, laugh more, let go of the little stuff, cherish your body, have more fun, go slower, love yourself more, be kind to yourself, have gentle amusement at your foibles, let go, and enter the flow…you will find that this helps the world in more ways than you can know. In mystical and magical ways, your life will be better and the world around you will benefit.
Traveling at the speed of light. This is the time to answer the call, my splendid, fellow Light Travelers. When you can’t go out…go in (ward). Find the light. Just as the light of a star can be seen, even though it is 16,000 light years away. (One light year is about 6 trillion miles). Your light can be felt around the planet. Be the light! Be the lighthouse beacon on a stormy night. Be the candle glowing on a dark night. Let your light shine. Become a Light Traveler! (This course will show you how.)

Are you a Light Traveler?
This 28-Day adventure is for you if:
- You want to make a difference in the world, but you are not sure how.
- You’re trying to get your body physically in shape, but something seems to be blocking you.
- You encounter limitations when creating what you desire in life.
- The clutter in your home seems to be pulling you down.
- You know that it is now time to clear your home and your life of clutter.
- You feel as though you have a barrier to sparkling, joyous relationships.
- You’ve gained a few extra pounds and you want support in dropping some weight.
- Your connection to the spiritual realms is fuzzy, rather than crystal clear.
- You want to be an open channel to hear messages from spirit guides, ancestors, and the Creator.
Join the Waitlist
Interested in this workshop or a similar one? Fill out the form below to get notified about the next work shops.

About Denise Linn
Denise is a bestselling, award-winning author who has written 23 books that are available in 29 languages. She’s been teaching for 55 years and leading past life regressions for over 35 years, and she’s one of very few people in the world to periodically regress over 3,000 people at once. She's the founder of the International Institutes of Soul Coaching® and Interior Alignment®. Denise’s workshops are comfortable, enjoyable, and embracing. You will leave with skills to activate even more authenticity and joy in your life.
About Meadow Linn
In addition to co-authoring the Mystic Cookbook (translated into five languages) and Quest: A Guide for Creating Your Own Vision Quest, Meadow has edited 15 non-fiction books for major publishing houses. She is a regular contributor to HealYourLife.com, Australia’s Nature & Health Magazine, and Soul Spring blog. Meadow’s food/photography blog and bi-monthly column in a Seattle newspaper were hugely popular. As a former schoolteacher, Meadow has taught writing to hundreds of students. She passionately loves grammar and finds playing with sentence structure to be ridiculously fun. Meadow has a BA in English from Williams College and a MA from Columbia University.