How to Keep Your Vibration High in This Fast-Paced World

Workshop with Denise Linn



  • Imagine waking up in the morning excited and delighted about the day ahead!
  • Imagine absolutely knowing that who you are and what you do is making a difference in the world.
  • Imagine people drawn to you because you inspire them to greater heights, just by being who you are.
  • Imagine life filled with a wonderful like-minded community.


I had a relationship that was dragging me down. I learned some excellent methods to cut the cords, and I feel so much lighter. I finally feel free!
Cheri M.

I only signed up for this course because I wanted to experience a past life regression, but amazingly an old blockage around prosperity dropped away, and I’m no longer sabotaging my abundance. Great news!
Joelle Asti

All of this is totally possible…and the journey there is one that can be enjoyable as well as life transforming!

It’s not always easy to keep one’s energy field vibrant and clear amidst the fast-pace of modern life. It can be a challenge to continue to be joyous and grounded when there are so many people who aren’t feeling that way. Conventional wisdom would dictate that with the advent of labor-saving devices our happiness quota would rise, but just the opposite is occurring. A recent Harris Poll stated that only 1 in 3 people in America say they are happy. The head of the American Psychology Association says we’re in the “throes of an epidemic of clinical depression, more than any other time in U.S. history.” There has been a steady decline in happiness. Poll after poll declares that in the last few years we’ve dropped dramatically regarding optimism about the future.

Even though it can be hard not to be affected by the collective unconsciousness, there are some fun and easy things you can do to step into a different frequency to activate your joy and your intuition. By making a few simple changes and doing the processes in this workshop, you’ll ignite your radiant joy and light . . . and make powerful shifts in all areas of your life.

In this transformational weekend, you’ll travel on inner journeys that will powerfully allow you to drop old blockages and barriers to your joy, as well as support you in maintaining vibrancy for the times ahead. It’s exciting and easy… and joyous!

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During this weekend workshop you will:

  • Embark on powerful inner journeys into your past lives and beyond to release blockages in your current life.
  • Learn potent Space Clearing methods to cleanse your personal energy field, your home’s energy fields, and the auric-fields of others. (Discover what’s out of balance and how to balance it.)
  • Activate your intuition. (Watch it skyrocket after this course!)
  • Learn how to use oracle cards to gain answers to long-sought questions. (Receive a special gift of a deck of Denise’s oracle cards with the course.)
  • Discover remarkable methods to discover who or what may be draining your energy—you may be surprised—(learn little-known information from Denise’s new book Energy Strands).
  • Gain three foolproof steps to radiant JOY!
  • Realize the Big Picture for your life! Activate a sparkling future.

BONUS: Calling angels, spirit guides, and guardians, a special inner sojourn to gain wisdom and guidance from your spirit helpers.

Denise Linn is a best selling, award winning author who has written 19 books that are available in 29 languages. She’s been leading past life regressions for over 35 years, and she’s one of very few people in the world to periodically regress over 3,000 people at once. Regarding the space clearing methods you will learn, Denise trained in space clearing methods in indigenous cultures throughout the world. She coined the term “space clearing” that is now in common usage, and she’s written a number of books on the subject. Additionally, her oracle card certification course is acclaimed across the globe.

Denise’s workshops are comfortable, enjoyable, and embracing. You will leave with skills to activate even more authenticity and joy in your life.

Everything in my life was going fine. Then, I took Denise’s workshop…all I can say is “Wow!” I had no idea how much more amazing life could be!
Sarah Henderson

Knowing the Big Picture for my life has made such a difference in everything!
Carl Pointer